Akashic Record Consultation
Gateway to Your I AM *** In Person or Phone
Service Description
Working in the Akashic Record allows you expansion beyond your physical limitations, removes attachments, stagnation, and aligns you with your Divine Purpose. This process anchors your relationship to your Higher Self. It is a stepping stone that ignites the path of Ascension providing clarity, commitment and courage to move through density, fears and ancestral patterns. The Akashic Record is a database of energy, of all human events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the Universe. It is an access to the collective consciousness or as some may say the mind of God which contains the energetic vibration of every thought in every universe that has ever existed. Akashic records are interdimensional.
Cancellation Policy
Due to the uniqueness of this work we require a 3 day notice to cancel session, classes or lecture events. You will be refunded full payment if this is done in the allotted time frame. Otherwise, there is a 50% of payment fee due and or refunded. Please feel free to contact directly at
Contact Details
2186 Middlefield Rd, Cleveland Heights, OH, USA