The Ascension Method
Businesses/Corporations that are seeking cohesive strategies for success!
Service Description
What is the Ascension Method? This state of allowing and the holding of the Sacred Space is the key factor in the overall transformation of our clients. Too manifest a Sacred Space where you can receive information from a higher perspective in alignment with your greatness is our gift to you. The Ascension Method is a state of aligning with Truth to manifest One’s purpose, direction and motivation. Ask yourself, Do I experience true potentiality? Am I being called to greatness or simply, am I being called to be present to this moment, this time and to this place? If any of these ring true to you continue on and enter in to the matrix of the (AM) Ascension Method. The AM provides tools and techniques for individuals, groups and corporations to embody the principle of pure potentiality. In other words, it a method that utilizes tools and practices that empower individuals to align with their greatness and/or the greatness of the group to manifest from a higher perspective enabling abundance, prosperity, financial freedom and Divine creation to be present in the practices of daily living and/or corporate strategies. The AM is a tool or resource that aligns you, the receiver, with the information, the words and inspiration directly from Source to empower you. Ultimately, you are presented with clarity, purpose, direction and motivation along with the ability to release blockages that have created and/or manifested challenges in your life. The AM relies on Divine Intelligence to unfold the techniques and tools necessary to bring forth the clarity, creativity and wisdom required. In doing so, the ability to transcend obstacles and blockages that have been present begin to take place. The art of allowing an individual and or group to move out of victimization and into self-actualization empowers the manifestation and aligns All with success. What might you expect from a session? ♦ Clarity about your business and life in the here and now ♦ Deeper understanding of your Soul's intention for patterns of behavior, fears, types of situations or people in your life with techniques of how to release them and move forward. ♦ Insight regarding right livelihood or career choices. ♦ Methods to release unsupportive beliefs and expand your abundance. ♦ An ability to reorganize, restructure and define opportunities for growth. ♦ An opportunity to define relationships with loved one’s and or clients.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Due to the uniqueness of this work we require a 3 day notice to cancel session, classes or lecture events. You will be refunded full payment if this is done in the allotted time frame. Otherwise, there is a 50% of payment fee due and or refunded. Please feel free to contact directly at
Contact Details
2186 Middlefield Rd, Cleveland Heights, OH, USA