In Light Therapy
Integration In Light
Service Description
Studies indicate that exposure to red, blue, and infrared light emitted by LEDs triggers several beneficial cellular changes. These changes occur as a result of mitochondria releasing nitric oxide (NO) and boosting ATP production in skin cells exposed to photobiomodulation. Unlocking the mechanism behind the efficacy of light therapy is Photobiomodulation, a treatment employing non-ionizing light sources across the visible and infrared spectrum, which harnesses endogenous chromophores to induce photophysical and photochemical reactions within biological systems. This nonthermal process yields therapeutic benefits, including pain relief, inflammation reduction, modulation of the immune response, and facilitation of wound healing and tissue regeneration.
Cancellation Policy
Due to the uniqueness of this work we require a 3 day notice to cancel session, classes or lecture events. You will be refunded full payment if this is done in the allotted time frame. Otherwise, there is a 50% of payment fee due and or refunded. Please feel free to contact directly at
Contact Details
2186 Middlefield Road, Cleveland Heights, OH, USA