Ascension 101 classes
Awakening You
Calling all Lighworkers, the time has come to reestablish our connection with the unveiling of our Souls Purpose and to anchor Light upon the Earth.
Designed to awaken your relationship to your Higher Self and your potentiality and the ability to access information by releasing blocks and emotional patterns that no longer serve you.
Understanding ancestral patterns, fear techniques, negative thought patterns and releasing them for good.
Aligning with your Higher Self
Understanding the potentiality of Multi Body integrating All your Bodies: Physical. Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Ethereal, and Elemental.
Clearing and aligning your Chakra System
I Am Presence
Reiki Usuai Tradition First and Second Degree Classes
Reiki is the art of allowing pure potentiality and Grace to align the heart with Sacred Space.
Reiki Masters Ann and Robert have developed their healing and consulting practices over the past 16 years.
Ann has developed her talents as a Reiki Master, Certified Biodynamic Cranio-sacral Therapist, Matrix Energetics Practitioner and an Akashic Record Consultant and trained in the modalities of Lightwave and Channeling. She grounds her work with a B.A. in Religious Studies and continued MA studies, which focuses on Feminist and Liberation theology. Furthermore, her work incorporates a diverse array of spiritual, meditative and contemplative practices with a strong connection to the Buddhist warrior philosophy. Through these holistic healing modalities, Ann has created a healing space that empowers her clients to move beyond self-limitations while addressing core issues and create greater insight into their souls journey.
Robert has developed his spiritual practices over the last 15 years, always eager to experience new paths that awaken his sense of being. His educational background is a B.A. is psychology and philosophy and his Master work in East Asian Studies with a focus in Buddhism concepts of transpersonal psychology, a science of consciousness. Robert is a Reiki Master and an Akashic Record consultant, trained in the modalities of Matrix Energetics, Lightwave and Channeling. Following a Buddhist spiritual path Robert also practices various meditative and contemplative practices that enhance his ascension path and connection to Cosmic Consciousness.
CLasses are beginning this Autumn
Contact Ann Oswald Laird and Robert Laird at