Mother Earth is calling you to the New Earth frequencies and she is doing so with vigor, purpose and devotion. The call is the awakening of your Souls commitment to let go, to release perceptions, ancestral patterns, expectations, pieties……
The revelation is the unveiling of what appears to be suffering, the struggle, the unknown as she confronts without hesitation to manifest an understanding, a clarity that this is not the Truth of who you are. You are not the struggle, the suffering, the unknown.
Be clear and know that it is your response to the aforementioned, for take notice your reflection is your ripple out into the Universe. Hear the call, surrender, release Karma and awaken Truth.
Let’s just say, seek not a heart of vengeance. Seek a heart of compassion for it is here in the state of Oneness the voice of God and Gaia navigate in the New Earth.
Are you strength? Are you wisdom? Are you courage?
Ann Oswald Laird Sunrise in Death Valley